Please be patience with me as I redecorate my home. The Welcome
sign is being painted as I post.
So many things have changed since I started my blog, that's why I'm
cleaning house. If fact when I wrote my first post I was just writing my
thoughts on my computer instead of in a journal because I have
terrible hand writing and half the time I can't read what I write. I
heard people mention blogs so decided to give it a try. I was
never consistent because I've been to ill most of the time and my
heart wasn't in it and who really cared, so I thought. I'm not a writer or an
editor so the words don't flow as eloquently as those I admire most
but the words I do write are my sincerest thoughts as simple as they may be.
I began to write because I was living in the fear of dying when I
was first diagnosed with a rare disease called Cryoglobulinemia Vasculitis.
At the time I couldn't even say the words let alone spell them. It
was a distressing and frightening time in my life so I started to
write about it and look for people like myself with Cryo but I could only find
one person. There weren't any organizations, support groups or
information to tell me now to live with this strange disease that caused my
blood to turn to a thick gel in changing and cold temperatures. I started a
search that has changed my life from a lost and frightened woman to an
empowered patient living with a purpose and a passion to touch the lives of
others looking for hope and direction. Regina Holliday painted a
jacket for me for The Walking Gallery, "Go tell it on the Mountain”. I
will live up to the honor of this call by sharing my knowledge and networks as
I walk this journey of hope and advocacy.
laughingNana isn't getting any younger but she sure is happier since she has met all of you.
Be well in Body, Mind and Spirit.